Event Details

The Annual General Meeting is an important part of the chamber's governance and provides an opportunity for shareholders to interact with management and have a say in the decision-making process. Shareholders also vote on important matters such as the election of directors, approval of the Minutes of the last AGM, approval of the Financial Report and Accounts of the Chamber for the previous year, and any other significant proposals that require shareholder approval.

2024 Annual General Meeting will be held at AMADEUS, 2 May, 17.30-19.30.

This year, we are honored to have Inmaculada Riera i Reรฑรฉ, Chief Executive Officer of the Spain Chamber of Commerce, as keynote speaker at our AGM. Ms Riera Chief has held management positions in Treasury, Markets and Finance, as well as in International and Corporate Banking, in several European financial institutions in Italy and Spain, including Banca del Salento (Monte Paschi di Siena Group), Banca di Venezia (Italy), Banco San Paolo (Spain/Grupo Instituto Bancario San Paolo di Torino, Italy) before being appointed Chief Executive Officer of the Spanish Chamber of Commerce in 2015.


5.30-5.45 pm: Registration

5.45-6.45 pm: AGM 2024

6.45-7.30 pm: Spanish wine with finger food by Asador

Find the Agenda for the AGM and the proxy in documentsโ€‹.

The AGM is complimentary and exclusively for members. A drink and finger food will be served during the meeting.

Dress code: Business casual.


SpanishCham AGM 2024 - AGENDA.pdfdownload
Proxy AGM 2024.pdfdownload


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