Event Details
We would like to invite all the SpanishCham members to attend the Annual General Meeting 2023 (AGM) of the Spanish-Singaporean Chamber of Commerce to be held on:
Date: Tuesday, 13 June 2023
Time: 4.00pm โ 6.00pm
Venue: Level 6, SBF Center, 160 Robinson Road, Singapore 068914
According to the Chamber's By-Laws, 25% of the voting members, i.e. Ordinary Corporate and Ordinary Individual Members are required to form a valid quorum. Should you be unable to attend the AGM, it will be possible for you to send in a proxy.
The following documents for the AGM have been emailed to the members:
โ Agenda for the AGM (indicated below)
โ AGM Proxy Form
โ Minutes of the last AGM
โ Board of Directors candidate application
The agenda for the Annual General Meeting 2023 is as follows:
1. Opening of the meeting, welcome remarks by the Chairman
2. Approval of the Minutes of the last Annual General Meeting (AGM) 2022
3. Report on SpanishCham's activities during 2022
4. Presentation & Approval the Financial Report and Accounts of the Chamber for 2022
5. Election of the Board Members
6. Closing remarks
7. Any other business
Please note that there is only one voting member per membership.
Should you have any further queries, please do not hesitate to contact us info@spanishchamsg.org . We look forward to seeing you at the AGM,
*Please be informed that photos and/or videos will be taken during the event, which might be published on our website, in newsletters, social media or any other publication. With attending to the event you consent to the same.